
何週間か前から症状が出るので、何かのソフトウェアが勝手にインストールされちゃってるのだろうと情報を探しても、うまく見つからない。しょうがないので「Contact us」をクリックしたら、何やら腹が立つメッセージが書いてあった。とはいってもエキサイト翻訳に頼ったのだが。

Due to several complaints that search page becomes a start (home) page in your browser we need to inform you that it could be caused by:

1) One of our affiliates is violating our terms and conditions. Please send us the full address of your start page with affiliate code

2) You have agreed to install our software (you weren't paying attention to the terms and conditions when installing some software packages to you PC).
TO remove it from you computer please use: http://get-search.cc/cleaner.exe
Our software works only with Microsoft (TM) browsers.

3) If our software was installed with out your permission, please send us you full address as it appears in your browser in
order for us to cancel affiliates account that violates our terms and conditions.

The most common ways of how our software could be installed to you PC with out your permission:
1) Free adult websites.
2) Sites with illegal software.

Please be very careful and always inform us in above situations so we can fond and cancel affiliate account that violates
our terms and conditions. Please remember, that we do not accept site with such content to our program.

To protect your computer, we can recommend:
1) Download all security updates at http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com
2) Install anti-virus software on you PC and make all necessary update on time.
3) NEVER allow any ActiveX component to install on you PC (with no prior electronic certificate)
4) Think twice before making some site your starting page.
5) Increase Security level in your browser properties.

なんだよこの言い方ー! 会社のなんだもん私に言うなよー(逆ギレ)。一応